Indian stories and conspiracy theories are not given to us, but in actual fact we are interested. This example, we have not been previously encountered. The Mexican-flu vaccine is Thiomersal, a compound designed to fungi and bacteria to turn the neck. The RIVM says that stuff no problem, and it has a half life of 7 days, Or: after 7 days half of this substance in the blood disappeared.
Okay - but that is half the story. The other half, not mentioned is that the half-life brains more than three times as long. Because it takes 24 days for half of that substance from the brains disappeared. (Source: Prof. Janna Koppe, emeritus professor of neonatology at the University of Amsterdam, in an e-mail to the RIVM, with CC to Parents Online.)
Or that bad, we can not judge (although Professor Koppe it detects a problem. They recommend all pregnant women in order to be vaccinated, so after 13 weeks, because it could be harmful to the unborn.) All we want to say about it is that we do not like the look, in terms of communication. Why limit it to that RIVM is 7 days, and call them that 24 days is not just to nou?
The reason why that should Thiomersal it is also purely a matter cent. If you own any vaccine (single dose), Then it's no need, but if you want more people vaccinated from the same bottle (multidose) Do. The government chose the latter because it is cheaper.
Finally a remark about "the prohibition of Minister Hoogervorst. Some people are amazed that Thiomersal suddenly it may, while the previously forbidden. That is a misunderstanding. The then Minister Hoogervorst has never actually banned, but only stated that it would no longer be used. That was not so convenient, because it was not based on scientific research, but only to social unrest. (Source: Huub Schellekens virologist in the VPRO-program Argos).
What does this mean in practice? Do you do or not to get flu shot? We maintain our opinion that there is always a tradeoff between the advantages and disadvantages, and to do that in consultation with your doctor.