Spots are annoying and not good for your confidence, these tips can help you be happy to fight them. Completely natural and without damaging your skin!
Avoid stress Stress is bad for the skin and can aggravate acne. Avoid stress as much as possible, for example by exercise. There are also many other techniques for your body to rest. |
Burdock Burdock helps against pimples and blackheads, and is available in pills. Take one capsule three times daily before meals. The purifying effect of the great burdock helps you to get a clean skin. |
Beer Yeast Beer Yeast is a natural food source. It is a rich source of B-complex. It is known for its blood purifying and may well help against acne. Take three capsules per day. |
Steam your face twice a week Do you suffer from acne it is important to clean your skin properly. You can do this by a pan with boiling water and a towel to steam your face. Go hang above the water and put the towel over your head. |
Eat lots of fruits, vegetables and nuts Fruit and vegetables are full of vitamins. Do you eat healthy, you will also see to the skin. Nuts are also good against pimples, as long as you eat them only sparingly. In selenuim and nuts are zinc. This is evidence that it fights acne. |
Viola Tricolo drops Viola Tricolor is a known homeopathic medicine used for acne. This natural way is for internal use and available at most drugstores. |
Avoid caffeine Caffeine can also indirectly lead to pimples. Avoid coffee and other drinks as much as possible with much caffeine. Occasionally a course once caffeine can not hurt! |
Drink much tea Nettle tea, green tea, calendulathee, chamomile tea and rooibos tea to help good acne. Therefore, take some time for yourself each day and drink a cup of tea. Good for relaxation and for your skin! |
Sunlight and fresh air is good for acne Fresh air and sunlight creates vitamin D. An essential substance in the fight against acne. Furthermore, fresh air is also good against pimples, because it brings oxygen into your skin. |
Twice a week scrubbing The pimples wise to renew your skin cells to scrub. Scrub has a positive effect on the circulation of your skin well and can help against acne. Do it not too often, twice a week is enough! |
Drinking water is good for the skin Water cleanses your skin! It is therefore important for acne in about two liters of water a day to drink. If your skin is dry dead skin cells can not be dropped and will create pimples. |
Take showers exchange In both a shower with alternating hot and cold water you are stimulating the blood circulation of your body. Standing under a cold shower might not feel so good, but it's good for your pimples! |