Microwaves and cell phone waves
Mobile Phones Send microwaves belonging to the UHF band (Ultra High Frequency) radio frequencies, or between 300 MHz (megahertz) and 3 GHz (gigahertz). The emitted electromagnetic waves are therefore the same category as the waves emitted by analogue and digital television, cordless phones, baby monitors, UMTS (third generation mobile telecommunications, which also allows transmission of video), Wifi or Wimax (wireless connection high flow). We know that these waves are able to invade our tissues, but it is questionable whether their impact is large enough to jeopardize our health.
Examination of the risks associated with mobile phone radiation
At present, it appears that the Electromagnetic radiation which we normally exposed, certainly no risk to health. The question remains partially unanswered, especially since the political and economic interests related to these new technologies often a word a say in the scientific debate, making a joint position of the experts is a very difficult matter. Several studies have tried for example the impact of mobile phone radiation to examine the DNA of cells. When that DNA is damaged, can cause certain cancers. These results, obtained on tomato plants in particular, can hardly be extrapolated to humans. Other studies have also tried the phenomenon of "electromagnetic sensitivity" to study. Some people claim that she is particularly sensitive to mobile phone radiation. This would manifest itself in headaches, Depression symptoms, fatigue ... In this case one has as yet no final decision, although Sweden electrosensitivity officially recognized as a disability.
Mobile phone radiation and Brain Tumor
The Interphone study, the most important ever carried out in mobile phones, Nevertheless brings some partial answers regarding one of the biggest problems associated with mobile phone use: the risk of a brain tumor. The first conclusions of this international study, conducted in 13 countries, the risk of acoustic neuroma (a tumor on the auditory nerve) and gliomas (brain tumors with a very high mortality rate) are higher in people who have at least 10 years a mobile phone use.
Not for kids!
Although no definitive conclusions Interphone published, but moons that our first data for caution, especially when it comes to children younger than 12 years go. One should absolutely avoid these children a mobile use.
Parents should opt for a thought-mobile use. They do well in their mobile minimal use in closed spaces (elevator, garage, basement ...) or when they sit in a moving vehicle (train, car ...). In other cases, the ear is recommended, provided that they are mobile not in his pocket, but at least 20 cm from his body. Finally we recall a brief conversation like that better than a long speech! And why not simply send an SMS, short and concise and much safer?
Parents should opt for a thought-mobile use. They do well in their mobile minimal use in closed spaces (elevator, garage, basement ...) or when they sit in a moving vehicle (train, car ...). In other cases, the ear is recommended, provided that they are mobile not in his pocket, but at least 20 cm from his body. Finally we recall a brief conversation like that better than a long speech! And why not simply send an SMS, short and concise and much safer?