Zaid Hamid on ABN Chicago Radio « Pakistan Ka Khuda Hafiz

Zaid Hamid on ABN Chicago Radio

December 16, 2008

Zaid Hamid has spoken in a Radio interview (ABN Chicago) about the TV show on Express News that was taken off air halfway through.

He also speaks about the developing situation in the region, the recent breach of Pakistani Airspace by the Indians, the ban on Jama’at-ud-Dawa, as well as Pakistan governments shameful behaviour.

The interview starts around 30-35 mins and goes on for the next 40 minutes.

You can download and listen to the interview by clicking the following links:

Part 1
Download 15 mb MP3 or Download 29 mb MP3 (64kb)

Part 2
Download 16 mb MP3 or Download 32 mb MP3 (64kb)

Going by the Pakistani leaders, the Indians believe that ordinary Pakistanis are a weak, defeated people. That’s why they are stunned to hear a bold voice from Pakistan like Zaid Hamid, who’s blunt style is reviving their worst fears. We need more confident voices in Pakistan, and more diverse, like Marvi Memon, Mubashir Lucman, Humayun Gauhar, Shireen Mazari and countless others who are willing to stand up for Pakistan. Someday we also hope that Pakistanis will send such Pakistanis to the highest offices of the land, helping change the destiny of this nation.

Watch Zaid Hamid confront Bharat Verma in a show that is the stuff of legends.

Zaid Hamid speaks for every Pakistani Nationalist out there.

If the above links stop working, let us know


Here is the combined version from WuqMan. Its just Zaid Hamid’s interview without a 47 minute long preamble and both parts provided above have been combined.

Here is the link: or click here