cmkp_pk : Message: Mr. Zaid Hamid and his anti-zionism

I'm new to communism and became interested in it through the blog of
Mr. Mobeen Ahmad Chughtai. I skimmed through the classical Marxist
literature and it urged me to become a communist.

While I was studying Marxism a friend of mine told me about Zaid Hamid
of Pakistan and forced me to view his show on TV one called
BrassTacks. Especially his series on economic terrorism where he
discusses the exploitative nature of the present economic system based
on paper currency. He exposes the role of IMF and World Bank and their
strategies of monopolization and privatization.

After watching his shows I discussed whatever I knew about communism
and the struggle of communists against the capitalist and imperialist
system. I also informed people that I was repelled by Zaid Hamid's
tendency of linking all the exploitation to Zionism and his claim that
Communism was the conspiracy of Jews or something like that. On the
other hand he praises the efforts of Cube and Venezuela. But everyone
in my family and circle of friends discouraged me and reminded me that
Communism is a materialist, atheistic system whereas Zaid Hamid sahab
has come up with an Islamic solution to the problems of humanity.

I know through experience how bigoted mullahs are fond of claiming
that Islam is a complete code of life and gives solutions to all
problems of humanity. But when it comes to details they present
outmoded and obsolete ideas as Islamic System which can't be
implemented in modern times. However, this man (Zaid Hamid) apparently
gives details of the Islamic System along with practical solutions.
Like the idea of gold-based currency borrowed from Mathir Muhammad.

What disturbs me is that instead of exposing the exploitative nature
of capitalism he links the injustices to masons and wants us to become

I'd like to know how you people view his agendas. And how do you think
communism is better (and not a part of a Jewish conspiracy) than the
Islamic System as Zaid Hamid portrays it.In other words, I want to
learn more about communism.

I would appreciate healthy criticism of Zaid Hamid's ideas as it will
help me in clarifying the misconceptions to my friends and family
members who have become severely emotional after watching his programs.

In case you don't know about him already. Here is a link to his
official website.