The Supreme Court of Pakistan on Wednesday in a short order disqualified Mian Nawaz Sharif and Mian Shahbaz Sharif in eligibility case. After completion of arguments of Attorney General Sardar Latif Khosa a three-member bench of the Supreme Court comprising Justice Moosa K.Leghari, Justice Sheikh Hakim Ali announced the short order of disqualification of Sharif brothers which says,” all the petitions are dismissed except petition of Sayed Khurram Shah and notification of the Election Commission is declared null and void.”
Justice Sheikh Hakim Ali in his remarks said that the Supreme Court has the right to stop any ineligible person to become a member of the Parliament.
The apex court also upheld the verdict of the Lahore High Court.
The Federation had filed appeals in the apex court against the disqualification of PML-N chief Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and had challenged the June 24 Lahore High Court (LHC) order to set up an election tribunal to decide the eligibility of Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif.
These appeals were filed under Article 185(3) of the Constitution, citing Mian Shahbaz Sharif, the Returning Officer PP-48, Bhakkar-II, the Election Appellate Tribunal for PP-48, Bhakkar-II, Lahore High Court, Chief Election Commissioner and Syed Khurram Shah as respondents.