Why Muslim Women Wear Scarves
One example is Miss Begum, 16. She was a satisfied, happy and integrated schoolgirl. Suddenly she turned her back on Western values and adopted of Islamic values. She had been a model student and wanted to be a doctor. She is studying for seven GCSEs at another school in Luton.
Luton has a culture of poverty and despair all had a multiplied effect together with death of her father in 1992 and mother in 2003. Luton is an ideal recruiting ground for radical Muslim groups such as Hizb ut-Tahrir and now disbanded al-Uhajiroun along with 20 per cent unemployment rate among men.
It is a common misconception that all Muslim women cover their heads with traditional scarves, many wear more westernized style clothing. However the purpose of this clothing is not to attract men or express vanity, according to the Qur’an.
Head covering with scarves is not specific to Muslim women. This is also Jewish tradition to cover their heads with scarves. Hassidic Jewish women shave their heads upon marriage and wear wigs. Until recently, the Christian tradition, it was considered vain to not wear hats or head scarves when attending church. All these traditions stress modesty, and elaborate hair styling, or even showing the hair is thought to be vain, which is a sin.
But with the passage of time many Muslims along with Christians do not consider it necessary to cover the hair. In many Jewish sects all men and women still require to cover their hairs as a sign of respect and modesty.
But with the passage of time many Muslims along with Christians do not consider it necessary to cover the hair. In many Jewish sects all men and women still require to cover their hairs as a sign of respect and modesty.