Whether Meat is Really Fresh - Tips

English: New Elgin Doocot. This is where the t...
English: New Elgin Doocot. This is where the then laird would have kept pigeons for eggs and fresh meat in winter. It now stands in a park. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
HK SYP QRW Ng Fung Fresh Meat 4 Sale
HK SYP QRW Ng Fung Fresh Meat 4 Sale (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Challenge: Fresh Meat II
The Challenge: Fresh Meat II (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Americans waste more than $2,000 a year by throwing away unused groceries. Are shoppers being duped into buying what they don't need by sneaky tactics employed by supermarkets? On Easy Does It with Ereka Vetrini, consumer spending guru Phil Lempert shares his strategy for smart shopping, including when -- and why -- you should avoid meat markdowns. | VIDEO: Make dinner time your family destination | First, shop on Wednesdays as this is the typical day that grocery stores host their sales.shine.yahoo.com
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