Swine flu and Harry Potter Star

Harry Potter star Rupert Grint is the latest victim to be struck down by the dreaded swine flu.

Must make a change from getting struck down by evil wizards
and crazed dementors though, right?

Rupert's had to take time out from filming Harry Potter and the
Deathly Hallows while he puts his feet up at home in Hertfordshire.
The rest of the cast and crew have been tested for swine flu but have been given the all clear.

Fans will be pleased to hear that Rupert's already got loads better
and will be alongside his co-stars at the premiere of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
tomorrow night in London.

Rupert's rep announced: "He has now recovered and is looking forwardtto joining his fellow cast
members at the junket and premieres this week, and will then
return to filming directly afterwards."