Destroy N1H1 Pandemic Flu Virus

To destroy the N1H1 Pandemic flu virus is possible by using direct viral destroying methods. For examplewe should target the viral capsid. If we candestroy the viral capsid or stop the formationviral capsid then we have the ability to destroythe virus. It is possible to use natural drugs forthis purpose.And we can use inhalers which contain viralcapsid destructing compounds.

The mostimportant thing is these viral capsid destroyingcompounds should not harm the respiratorytract of the patient. Natural Compoundsobtained from medicinal plants may be usefulto create these inhalers.A major problem in seasonal flu /Pandemic fluvirus is mutation. So when we are designingtreatments it is valuable to consider the viralmutation. Therefore it is necessary to designtreatment methods that can tolerate viralmutation.

Another important treatment fact isto stop the viral replication in the human bodyafter infection. Here we can block viralenzymes and essential factors that help viralreplication. Considering the above facts we candefinitely destroy N1H1 pandemic flu virussuccessfully.