Sutra of Golden Light

Jamyang will be joining the worldwide recitation of "The Sutra of Golden Light" in support of World Peace organised by the International Mahayana Institute.

So far they have already received pledges for almost 900 recitations. International Sangha Prayers for World Peace is part of International Sangha Day, August 5th.

Each day, we are overwhelmed with news of earthquakes and floods, war, environmental disaster, abuse and neglect. We see the pictures and hear the stories and feel helpless to bring about real change, but there is a way to help. Reciting "The Sutra of Golden Light" effects real change to benefit real beings.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche says:

Acts of terrorism will be averted. Acts of violence will stop. China will return to Buddhism and will relax its hold on Tibet. Natural catastrophes will be avoided. Crops will be successful. The environment will be clean. People will be safe. If there is war, it will end and there will be peace.