Treatments for Dry skin in Winter

In the winter you have dry skin face many enemies winter: rain, frost and strong wind. They allow your skin will peel, and pale. But one of the most common is irritation of the skin feel tight. Extra care with rich creams and lotions especially in the winter is therefore not a luxury. The following five steps can you ensure that your skin falls prey to the enemies and make your skin ready for winter.

Step 1: Determine your skin type 

The first step for optimal skin care is determining your skin type. Regularly suffer from a bad skin? May be because you used the wrong products. If you know or you dry, oily or combination skin, skin care products you can better align your skin type. Take this test.

Step 2: Scrub your skin regularly 

By exfoliating your skin get rid of dead skin cells from the upper skin layer and make an end to clogged skin cells. Note that you do not care more than once a week makes. Especially with a dry skin. If you break the skin scrubbed more you protect your skin from harmful external influences. This allows easier harmful substances into your skin.

Step 3: Treat your skin with a mask 

Pale faces come back each winter season. To this pale complexion back some energy to give a mask is a must. Make sure you use a mask with a high moisture concentration. Tip: Also take time each day for a facial massage. This ensures good blood circulation and the disposal of waste.

Step 4: Determine your face cream 

The right face cream is totally dependent on your skin type. Do you have naturally oily skin it is wise to not be a rich cream. Your skin makes itself a lot of fat, which will mean that your skin too much fat and moisture gets. Result: your pores and pimples come out. Look so good on the packaging of the cream is suitable for any skin type. Against dry skin is a cream based on a water / oil emulsion advisable. More information about moisturizers you find here.

Step 5: Remember the lips 

Cover your lips several times a day care with a lip balm. This is to prevent dry and chapped lips.

Combine the steps with these tips and say goodbye to dry skin:
-Replace shower or bubble bath oil.
-Drink plenty of water each day.
-Avoid products with alcohol.
-Try as far away from the heater to sit.
-Ensure adequate sleep.