Refuting Terrorism - Zaid Hamid

The suicide blast and attack against Police and ordinary men, women and children in Islamabad is to be condemned in harshest possible terms. The last sermon of Rasul Allah echoes in my soul and mind.

Loss of innocent lives and violation of their lives, honor and property is Haram, not justified by any Islamic law and cannot be forgiven or approved. No sense of anger or revenge against the government can justify this ruthless and senseless violence.

This is NOT the sunnah way of redressing of grievances nor it is halal even in most desperate of conditions. This is fitna and fasad and by Allah we will condemn it and will expect all Muslims and Pakistanis to condemn it.

We will not be afraid to call Haram as Haram even if we are threatened or coerced. What happened today in Islamabad is Haram and those who consider it as service to Islam are the misguided idiots involved in Fasad fil ard. There must be clear and sharp difference between acts of Zionists and acts of Jihadis. If both actions become one, then it will be a war but not Jihad.

Learn from Rasul Allah’s sunnah and from the sunnh of great leaders. How Makkah was captured? How Sayyadna Umar treated Christians of Al-Quds ? How Salahuddin treated the crusaders when he captured Bait ul Maqdas?? Total forgiveness!! Here they kill Muslims, women and children ruthlessly in the name of Jihad. Shame on them a million times. Shame on their leaders who approve or remain silent and do not condemn.

Destroying the State of Pakistan just because the government is sinful is serving the cause of Zionists, Indians and Israelis and definitely not a service to Islam or Ummah. I wish those who support such attacks in Pakistan against its people, State and government are able to see the larger Zionist game plan against Ummah. These people are directly playing into Zionists hands.

If we just pause, ponder and reflect we would know that whatever is being done in the name of Islam and Jihad in Pakistan have done more damage to our faith, deen and Pak sarzameen than the joint efforts of our external enemies. We suffer both from our outright enemies and mindless “friends” at all levels.

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