The Economic Terrorism And End Of Times

I’ve been the big fane of “The Hidden Truth” by Dr. Shahid Masood, but later I got away from TV, and so couldn’t get benefited from many of the interesting programs. One of such was “BrassTacks with Zaid Hamid”, one that forwarded to me via Youtube video by one of my very good friend. The presentation of facts by Zaid Hamid is remarkable.

I’ve been looking for the answers of origin of poverty, inflation, economic disbalance and a lot more economic anomalies and inconsistencies, and I found the root cause.

It was just first five minutes of first episode that made me to explore all others. I feel that there’re many other internet addicts like me who possible miss TV, so here m’ embedding the whole first episode of “BrassTacks with Zaid Hamid”, hopefully many of you will find it interesting!