Harvard University starting strange sex club

Statue of John Harvard, founder of Harvard Uni...
Statue of John Harvard, founder of Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, in the college yard. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Harvard University, home to the best and the brightest, now has an official club for the kinkiest.The newly approved Harvard sex club has got people buzzing, and it may give many an entirely new perception of the well-respected college.  Call it Fifty Shades of Crimson. Harvard University okays a kinky sex student club called "Munch" that promotes "alternative sexualities and kink on campus." “Fifty Shades of Grey” has hit the Ivy League as Harvard University, home to some of the nation’s top scholars, sanctioned a student bondage and kinky sex club.
The newly approved Harvard sex club has got people buzzing, and it may give many an entirely new perception of the well-respected college.
Approval by the Committee on Student Life will allow Munch to host and promote gatherings on campus and apply for grants from the Drug and Alcohol Peer Advisors organization. The group’s founder, known only as Michael, says that the group will now have “institutional support” to provide reassurance to its members.

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