Significance of Wadi Baida Medina (Gravity Hill)

Many people believe that the Jinns are pushing cars, many others believe that cars are moving due to attraction of Medina.....!!!!
but what is the reality....???? lets see...
Following is the areal view of Wade-E-Baida :
Wadi-E-Baida is approximately 24 Km away from Masjid-E-Nabvi in northwest direction.  (Near Al-Khulail Dam)
A 13.47 Km long road is constructed upto Al-Khulail Dam to connect  Wadi-E-Baida  with Medina city.
It was my believe that the road have slope towards Medina, to validate my point i decided to measure the altitude of road..... for that i used google earth software.

Basics :

(Altitude : the height above sea level )
(Elevation : the height  above fixed reference point )
(Slope : A surface of which one end or side is at a higher level than other)

In elevation profile mode of Google earth, arrow shows the slope, altitude and elevation, as shown in the following picture.
Now lets collect data...
It is observed that the altitude at starting point is (3121 ft ) and it starts to decline continuously as we move towards Al-Khulail Dam. The altitude at ending point is ( 1825 ft ).
Elevation = Altitude at starting point   - Altitude at ending point
                                                                                        Elevation =                3121 ft                -             1825 ft
                                                                   Elevation =                                     1296 ft
So the cars are moving due to the slope of the road caused by the elevation of Wadi-E-Baida and gravity, not by Jinns or attraction of Medina....!!!
Many people supports the theory of Jinns and attraction of Medina and they justify their point by saying "there is no any slope, if there is, why it is not visible ?? and why we can not see it......??"
The answer is very simple..... the slope is not visible because of long distance, approximately 14 Km.
Such type of valleys (e.g. Wadi-E-Baida) are known as Gravity hill.
For more information visit :
In Wikipedia if you search the list of gravity hills, you will see the name of Wadi-E-Baida or Wadi al Jinn is mentioned there.....!!!
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