How to Comfort Crying Babies

Although babies cry in order to communicate, crying can continue for a long time with no apparent reason. Crying can be a mystery and it stops as quickly as it begins. Your baby is not mad at you and he is not trying to make you look like a bad parent. Even the most loving parent and caregiver can feel frustrated by a crying baby. Feeling frustrated does not make you a bad parent or caregiver. It is very normal to feel aggravated by crying.

  • All babies cry and it is how they communicate.
  • Your baby may cry more each day until they are 2 to 3 months old.
  • Babies often cry more in the evenings
  • Crying can last 30-40 minutes and even longer. An infant may spend 2-3 hours a day crying.
  • Babies often cry intensely when they are not in pain, even though they may look like they are in pain.
  • Sometimes your baby may need to cry to relieve stress and it's okay to let him cry.
  • Crying may come and go, and you won't know why.
  • Crying may not stop no matter what you try.
  • Take comfort in knowing that the crying will eventually stop.
  • Your job as a parent is not to make your baby stop crying.