If you intense sport, your blood flows faster through your body. This increases the number of white blood cells and can rapidly identify viruses and 'kill'.
No stress
Stop worrying about falling ill, because it can weaken your immune system. This increases your level of cortisol and epinephrine in blood. This in turn has a negative effect on your immune system.
Mind and Body
The American Melissa Galt: "I have no time to be ill. I do not just not." Her vision it works, that is scientifically proven. A positive attitude increases the level of nitric oxide in your blood, which increases your immunity and your circulation improves. Furthermore, research also shows that happy, calm and enthusiastic people less likely to diseases.
Yoga intructrice Felice Rhiannon says she remains healthy through meditation and breathing exercises. This improves not only her body but also her emotional health. "I suffer less from colds than before, sleep better and have less stress. I am less nervous, which is good for my immune system." Research also showed that people who meditate often get sick less often.
Social life
Extroverted people get less cold than introverts. They have more contact with others, making them more resistant to viruses development. It is also important to people from different social groups to be friends, research shows that you get less heart disease and longer lives.
Sleep is one of the best ways to stay healthy. People who sleep 8 hours per night, are the healthiest. It is also important that you sleep at a stretch. This increases the amount of melatonin in your blood and that is good for your immune system.