Nicotine patches can help smokers from their addiction. But they also offer solace to a different health field. It shows a German study. It showed that 4 weeks long because the use of nicotine patches before a surgery, promotes wound healing after.
The study examined the recovery process operated by people with a distinction was made between smokers with tools to stop smoking and those not using any tools or smoked names. The smokers who some weeks before the operation carefully sticking plasters, to the half had less chance of problematic wound healing after surgery.
It was already known that smoking adversely affects post-operative healing. The toxic substances in cigarette smoke reduce the amount of oxygen in the blood so less healing goes well. A good cure is among others dependent on a constant supply of oxygenated blood. This is new, healthy tissue taken so scarring is less.
The study showed that among smokers with the tools 14 percent had encountered problems during the healing process. For the people who had used no tools, that percentage was 28 percent.