10 fascinating facts about the orgasm
The orgasm is a fascinating subject. Books,scientific studies and discussions have beenfascinating counter devoted. Last week welearned that pigs have an orgasm very long(up to a half hour!), Snakes and a doubleorgasm. But did you know?1) Young learned ...Play doctor play, wriggling in their panties ..even toddlers and preschoolers often discoverthat "playing" with the same gender share a pleasant feeling. Their genitals are obviousl not mature yet, and for them it is independent of the sexual context, but they experience it as pleasant. Indeed, even in ultrasounds is (mainly male) fetuses is a kind of masturbation set.Decision? Young taught, are done!2) Loud and clearThe noisy moaning in porn movies is thesubject of ridicule, but it apparently has areason. Men are more often in women whofinished their excitement and ecstasy loud andclear to women that remain invisible to play.And the numbers are clear: 59 percent of thetime versus 2 percent of the time.3) G-spot, women and menThe mysterious G-spot, whose existence isquestioned by men who 'm not able to findthere. Not only women but men too. Thesecret? It is not one, but several. When menwere at the frenulum (the peesje the foreskinconnects to the glans), the perineum (the areaof skin between the testicles and the anus) andthe prostate. Keep in mind that people are notequally sensitive: what works for one does notwork for another ...4) Semen asked!An ejaculation provides approximately 10 cubiccentimeters of semen. Average in his life 53liter sperm. Alsublieft.5) Follow the rulesOrgasms are better during the month stood bythe extra blood flow in the basin.Unfortunately, men and women are not alwayskeen on a Robbertje sex during that period.6) Come again, Marilyn?One of the biggest sex symbols ever, had toadmit that she never had an orgasm in any ofher famous bedpartners, including U.S.President Kenndey, singer and actor FrankSinatra Joe DiMaggio.Just before her early death, Marilyn Monroediscovered how an orgasm feels. She describesit to her psychiatrist as follows: "It is like awind-lamp. You start on the winds, and theyare more and more light until they dazzle sobright. It's sooo good ..."7) Fast, faster, slowestWhen ejaculation "shooting" a man sperm cellsinto the vagina with an average speed of 45kilometer per hour. But well, for the swimmingsperm cells themselves but excruciatingly slowprogress: less than four centimeters per quarterintense swimming. In total, 12 to 16 incheseasily travel to their final destination (the egg)have achieved.8) One for the dead?If the appropriate nerves in the spine arestimulated and supplied with oxygen, there isno reason why killing can not have orgasms.Such is a theory, which has yet to be tested.9) Multiple OrgasmsWomen are able to have different orgasmssimultaneously. The record is 134 orgasms perhour, or more than two per minute. Some mayhave multiple orgasms by the weirdest things:brows caress, rub on the knee, think of orgasmsor brushing teeth.10) Natural selectionThe orgasm was an evolutionary trick ofnature, says Desmond Morris. By people to liveto enjoy sex, the kind which is more likely topersist. The exhausted women would feel moreremain, so the sperm are not immediatelyreturn prejudice.The fact that a female orgasm is harder toachieve than a male, he comes from naturalselection. Thus the most loving, caring andcreative men that the woman an orgasm cangive the best chance of offspring.