Halloween Traditional Classic Characters Costumes

Half Man/Half Woman

Half Man/Half Woman:

Dress one half of your body as a construction worker and the other half as a sexy woman. Cut jeans and a flannel shirt in half and sew to a half of a miniskirt and blouse. Add a work boot and high heel shoe. Cut a toy hard hat in half and attach it to a "big hair" wig. Wear a five o'clock shadow on one side and make-up on the other.


Half Asleep/Half Awake:

Cut some pajamas in half, and sew one side to half a pair of pants and half a shirt. On the asleep side, put your hair in curlers, wear no make-up, keep eyes closed and wear a slipper. On the awake side, curl your hair, wear make-up, and wear a shoe. Carry a pillow on your asleep side, and a briefcase on your awake side.

Half Devil/Half Angel:

Wear a halo and a devil tail, or devil wings and a halo, or angel wings and a pitchfork; be creative and find ways to mix it up!

Little Dead Riding Hood:

Wear the usual Little Red Riding Hood costume and then use fake scars, wounds and blood to make it look like the Big Bad Wolf got you. Don't forget your basket!

Phantom of the Grand Ole Opry:

Wear black clothes, a black cape, and a Phantom of the Opera mask. Then add a cowboy hat, boots, and a toy gun and holster.

Peace and Quiet:

One person dresses like a hippie (jeans, flowered shirt, peace signs, beads, headband, etc.). The other person dresses up like a mime (striped shirt, black pants, suspenders, white face make-up, etc.).

Magician and a Bunny:

He dressed up as a magician and the woman dresses up like a bunny.