Auto Wudu Washer - Convenience or Conspiracy

Does the news below show another ‘favour’ bestowed upon the Muslim world or a clever attempt at trying to ‘modernize’ Islam?

My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, I wonder what comes to your mind after reading the above?

In the Holy Quran, Allah Subhana Huwa Taala asks man to offer salah, pay zakat, fast, perform hajj e.t.c. Most important is the fact that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) showed us how each and every order of Allah is to be obeyed and be correctly carried out. Let us look at some of the terms used to describe our acts of worship:
a) Fard - necessary/obligatory
b) Sunnah- the practice of the Holy Prophet (SAW)
c) Mustahab- laudable act, it is desirable to do it.
d) Makruh- disliked and should be avoided.
e) Nafl- optional

Ablution as we all know is indispensable for every prayer. Below is an extract from the Bahishti Zewar on the method of performing ablution as prescribed by sunnah traditions.


While making ablution, one should sit on some raised place facing the Ka’ba. Reciting ‘Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahiim’ (In the name of Allah the most Merciful and the most Compassionate), first of all both the hands should be washed up to wrists thrice. Then clean and rinse the inner mouth three times and rub the teeth with a Miswak (tooth-stick). If miswak is not available, teeth should be rubbed clean with the help of fingers or rough cloth. One should gargle properly. While fasting gargle is not allowed. Then, the inner part of the nose should be washed and cleaned by pushing water up to the soft bone in both the nostrils by the left hand. But while fasting, water should not be pushed deep into the nose.

Then, wash the face three times wetting the forehead from beneath the hair of the head (down to the chin and under) to the lower portion of the ears. No portion of the face should remain dry.

Then, both the arms should be washed up to and including the elbows three times each beginning from the right arm. Pass fingers of one hand between the fingers of the other hand. If wearing a ring, it should be moved freely to allow the water to pass under it
Then, perform Masah, that is, wet hands should be passed all over the head and the first fingers of both the hands should be moved in the right and left ears and in the same operation thumbs should be passed around the ears. Then, pass the backs of the hands over the hind part of the neck only. Hands should not be passed on the fore-neck (throat) as it is prohibited. Fresh water need not be taken for performing Masah of the ears.

Then wash the feet beginning with the right foot up to and including the ankles three times each. The little finger of the left hand should be passed between the toes of both feet beginning from the little toe of the right foot and ending with the little toe of the left foot.**

*I think it is also worth mentioning that it’s considered makruh to perform ablution in a manner that is contrary to the sunnah.

Now, compare this way to the so called ‘convenience’ offered by the Auto Wudu Washer and I wonder how hygienic it would exactly be. Can we call this ‘the way of performing ablution in conformance to Quranic teachings’? Aren’t we supposed to adhere to the sunnah and ahadith when we implement Quranic teachings in our lives? Most people would say that it takes care of the fard part of the wudu and that the ablution would be considered valid, yes agreed, but, how many sunnahs of the Prophet (SAW) will we be willingly forsaking? The whole purpose of this post is based on the very simple question…. Should we blindly follow every new thing without sparing a moment to think whether the act conforms or contradicts the way of our beloved Prophet?
I definitely appreciate the progress in the field of science and technology but not at the cost of doing away with the sunnahs of the Prophet (SAW). It worries me that our future generations might only know how to perform wudu with the help of AWW , that is, if this machine was to become a common household appliance like the washing machine!
We should not be practicing Islam according to our whims and fancies or time and convenience but according to the ways clearly stated in the Holy Quran, Sunnah and Ahadith. The hadith below shows us the importance of performing the wudu and salaat correctly.
Abu Hurayrah (RA) reported that a man entered the mosque whilst the Messenger of Allah (SAW) was sitting in a far corner. He prayed, then he came and greeted him with salam. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, ‘Wa ‘alykas-salam, go back and pray, because you have not prayed.’ So he went back and prayed, then he came back and greeted the Prophet, who said, ‘Wa ‘alaykas-salam, go back and pray, because you have not prayed (correctly).’ On the second occasion, or subsequently the man said, ‘Teach me, O’ Messenger of Allah.’ He said, ‘When you stand up to pray, do wudoo’ properly, then face the Qiblah and say Takbeer (Allah Akbar). Then recite whatever is easy for you of the Qur’an, then bow until you are at ease in rukoo (bowing), then stand up until your back is completely straight. Then prostrate until you are ease in sujood (prostration), then sit up until you are at ease in sitting, then prostate again until you are at ease in your sujood, then sit up again until you are at ease in your sitting. Do this in all your prayers. ‘(Reported by Bukhari, hadith no.6251).

Another example of the Prophet (SAW) asking a person to correct his action is given by Muslim in his Saheeh, where he reports that Jabir said:
‘Umar ibn al-Khattab(RA) told me that, ‘A man did wudoo,’ but he missed an area on his foot in the size of a fingernail. The Prophet saw him and said, ‘Go back and do your wudoo’properly.’ So he went and did it again, then he prayed.’ ( Saheeh Muslim, hadith no.243)


It is extremely important that we as Muslims, learn, understand and implement the deeds and sayings of the Prophet (SAW) into our lives, as this is the true essence of Islam. Following this path will not only benefit us in the hereafter but in this world as well. There are numerous health benefits of the miswaq, honey, olive oil etc, which are coming to light now whereas the Prophet of Allah (SAW) recommended them more than one thousand four hundred years ago!
Unfortunately though, these days there is unending and relentless effort made from various forums to try to ‘modernize’ Islam and dissuade Muslims from following the sunnahs of the Prophet (SAW). Worse still, we are all guilty of happily and conveniently adopting ways which have no mention whatsoever in the history of Islam……a very good example would be the so called ‘candlelight vigils’ held these days…. I know they are for a good cause, but my dear brothers and sisters, which Nabi of Allah held a candlelight vigil when faced with difficulty??? Didn’t they bow down to Allah the Almighty and offer two rakaats of nafl prayer? Which Nabi of Allah celebrated Mother’s Day? Aren’t we as Muslims told that every day is mother’s day? We have to be polite, obedient and give the same love and respect to our parents 365 days in a year. Which Nabi of Allah sent out flowers and gifts on Valentine’s Day? If we are gullible enough to get carried away with every wind of change that blows, then we’ll soon be blown off, tossed around, trampled over and eventually, be crushed to death without even realizing it. I would run out of ink but the list of our ‘western acquired influences’ would not end. How do we expect to follow in the footsteps of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) when we are not only obsessed, but blinded by the love for becoming modern and doing what is considered ‘cool’. To an extent that a mother packs a hand sanitizer in her child’s lunchbox whereas hand washing facilities are available. For Heaven’s sake….. what happened to the simple sunnah of washing hands before and after meals?
It is time, my brothers and sisters that we wake up from the deep slumber and realize that our strength comes from holding on firmly to the roots of Islam. Each one of us should take up the jihad of inculcating the ways of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) into our life. Let’s not only follow Islam in the masjid but everywhere and in all our dealings and doings. I remember the wise words of my teacher (may Allah reward him abundantly), ‘if you leave the nafl, you’ll end up leaving the sunnah and if you leave the sunnah, you’ll end up leaving the fard!’ May Almighty Allah grant us the strength and the wisdom to stay on the right path. Ameen.

**The differences of opinion among the various authentic jurists are minor.