
Zaid Hamid , the defence Analyst who runs Brasstacks (an Independent and private think-tank and Defence Analysis consulting group) is all over Indian Media, since exposing Mumbai drama staged to divert attention from the Hindu extremest groups towards Pakistan. writes ‘Ever since Zaid Hamid exposed the Mumbai Drama staged by Indian Intelligence Agencies, they have been scrambling to hide their shame. In a series of articles appearing on various Indian website, Zaid Hamid’s video clips, pictures and statements are being quoted, in what has become huge embarrassment for Indian establishment’.

Zaid Hamid who is usually seen on News1 channel in Pakistan has been in the limelight, some of the questions raised and analysis done by him, which really agitated Indian establishment and media in the aftermath of Mumbai Attacks are as follows;

‘How come the Anti Terrorist Chief and two other very important ATS policemen investigating the network of terror in India’s Security agencies and radical rights were killed with in the the first 5 minutes of the attacks’. Hamid further adds ‘ that these killings would halt the investigations into the Samjhuta express Carnage, in which lots of innocent Pakistanis and Indians died, not to mention that the attention would be shifted from India’s domestic Terrorists to Pakistan’. Hamid also questioned the presence of saffron Hindu Zionist bands worn by the Terrorits involved, which no muslim would wear.

Further Analysis by the Defence Analyst mentions’ Balochistan Liberation Army, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan and in Swat Mullah Fazlullah is totally supported by Indian agencies to carry out Terrorist Strikes in Pakistan. On the global front Hamid is convinced that the main purpose of the West mainly US and Israel along with India is take out Pakistan Nuclear Arsenal. And declaring Pakistan a Terrorist State is its present priority.

These Analysis of Zaid Hamid in recent weeks has attracted great attention from Media all over the world. Onc such analysis done by him related to Mumbai Attacks is as follows;

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