Pakistan and China versus Mossad, CIA, RAW and MI6 « Pak Alert Press

Pakistan and China versus Mossad, CIA, RAW and MI6

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GAWADAR in Pakistan. China provided billions to construct a modern sea port here; it has been China’s biggest construction project overseas. Image from:

At Middle East Times, on 5 March 2009, SHAHID R. SIDDIQI writes about the Balkanization of Pakistan

According to Siddiqi:

“In his article ‘Drawn and Quartered,’ Selig Harrison of the Center of International Policy in Washington, predicted Pakistan’s breakup into three sovereign entities along ethnic lines: Pashtunistan (comprising Pashtuns of NWFP and Afghanistan); Free Baluchistan (a federation comprising Sindh and Baluchistan); and Pakistan (comprising the “nuclear armed Punjabi rump state”)….
Pakistan from

“Baluchistan also became a high priority target for India and the United States due to Pakistan General Pervez Musharraf’s overtures toward China, seeking its strategic economic interests and presence in Baluchistan to marginalize mischief-making tribal chiefs.

China’s presence in Gawadar (in Pakistan) meant it would have access to the Indian Ocean, unacceptable both to Indians and Americans – the former perceiving this a threat to its upcoming Blue Water Navy and the latter upset with its proximity to the Straits of Hormuz.

General Aslam Beg, Pakistan’s former army chief, notes in an article that the Strategic Partnership Deal between India and the United States has led to the creation of a joint espionage network comprising the CIA, Israel’s Mossad, Britain’s MI6, India’s Research and Analysis Wing, and others in Afghanistan engaged in destabilizing Pakistan and Iran, China, Russia and other Central Asian states.

“According to Beg, dissidents from the tribal belt are being trained at Sarobi and Kandahar for missions inside the North West Frontier Province, whereas bases at Lashkar Gah and Nawah are arming, training and financing the Baluchistan Liberation Army for insurgency inside Baluchistan.

“In the NWFP the insurgency by a new group called Pakistani Taliban, reportedly fighting a proxy war for India and the United States, is seriously undermining the security of the tribal belt and some settled areas of the province.

“Consequently, the Pakistan army is engaged on four fronts: fighting Afghan Taliban inside Pakistan’s tribal belt, engaging Pakistani Taliban in the NWFP, fighting insurgents in Baluchistan, and facing Indians troops amassed along the Indo-Pakistan border in the wake of the Mumbai attacks - an extremely difficult situation for the army that is forced to stretch its limited resources.

“Michel Chossudovsky, director of the Center for Research on Globalization and author of ‘America’s War on Terrorism,’ concurs with this assessment in his article, “The Destabilization of Pakistan.”

“He states ‘Washington’s foreign policy course is to actively promote the political fragmentation and Balkanization of Pakistan as a nation.’ He says: ‘The U.S. course consists in fomenting social, ethnic and factional divisions and political fragmentation, including the territorial breakup of Pakistan.’”


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