Mumbai- Terrorism Exported from Pakistan | Pro Pakistan

I came across an interesting conversation between an Indian (Bharat Verma) and Pakistani (Zaid Hamid) Defense Analysts on youtube. At one point in the conversation where Verma accuses Pakistan of ‘exporting’ terrorism to India, Hamid asks him about 1971. He asks why the Indian state imposed terrorism across the international borders of the then East Pakistan? To split Pakistan into two? Was that not exporting terrorism? Mr verma very graciously admits India being the saviour of 90,000 Bengali women being mistreated/raped by the Pakistani Army. This, in Verma’s words, was enough to justify the export of ‘Mukti Bahni’ terrorists into East Pakistan. Then, Hamid argues, why does India protest when Pakistan exports ‘mujahideen’ in response to the Kashmiri women’s rape? the Christians being put to fire? the Samjhota express being burnt? the Gujrati Muslims being killed? Isn’t it exactly what the Indians did to us in 1971? And continue to do in FATA and Balochistan? Why doesn’t the Indian media project that? Mumbai was RAW’s failure but RAW has had many successes in Pakistan too. Why are they not publicized?

Even if the terrorists were Pakistanis, it does not set the score even for what India has been doing in Pakistani territory, be it East Pakistan, be it Balochistan, be it FATA. Pakistanis being killed in these areas are equally innocent civilians. They are victims of Hindu fascism that accidentally revealed itself in its Mumbai attempt to splash mud on the Muslim terrorists. We need to look at both sides of the picture, not just what the Indian and Zionist media paint. Muslim jihadists would long have been controlled by the Pakistani army had they not had the support of RAW and Mossad from Afghan borders. Today, they carry more modern weapons than even the country’s army. Where’s the money and support coming from? Certainly not from the Pakistani government against whom they’re fighting.

Even if we agree that the Marathi speaking, bear-drinking terrorists of Mumbai were Pakistanis look at the support they’re getting from the Muslims. Pakistani government bans all suspicious organizations, Indian Muslims refuse to bury them in their graveyards. On the other hand, look at the Hindu terrorism that has full support of the BJP government. Why wasn’t Col. Punit (dont know how to spell his name) from Indian military intelligence handed over to Pakistan or at least punished in India for burning the Samjhota Express, killing 71 Pakistanis? Instead, he’s running the upcoming elections, most probably will win too. In Pakistan, the political parties that always lose are the Islamist ones.

Come on, India! Stop serving the Israeli and American’s purposes. Pakistan was trying to revive friendly relations, trying to restart the oil pipeline possibility between Iran, Pakistan and India. Think of Pakistan’s internal situation, is it logical for a struggling state to ‘export terrorism’? Only friendship and cooperation is and this is what the big powers don't want. They don't want the people of this region to progress. If we progress, we give a strong front to China. Who will buy imported products if we start making them ourselves? We, the sub-continent, are the biggest market for all these multinationals. They can’t bear the thought of us making our own products. They want us to continue buying their beauty products and their weapons to kill each other.

A nuclear war between us won’t harm your Mossad friends, it’ll only harm us; the people who have lived in harmony with each other for centuries. Let’s prove their ulterior motives wrong. Let’s not get into this trap of a regional war. We’re the richest region in the world in terms of natural resources. Let’s race for progress, not for destruction!

Mumbai- Terrorism Exported from Pakistan | Pro Pakistan
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