Art By Thomas Thiemeyer (Germany)

Thomas Thiemeyer (*1963) is a German illustrator and writer.

He studied art and geology in Cologne. His first children's book was published in 1989 by the Ravensburger publishing house, where Thiemeyer already worked as graphic advisor. 2 years later he became freelance artist. As freelance artist, he illustrates plays, children's books, book envelopes and much more. Among others he has worked for Heyne, Arena, Fantasy Productions, Beltz & Gelberg, HarperCollins, Random House and Wizards of the Coast. In recent time he co-operated with the American director Darren Aronofsky. His work was distinguished several times with Kurd Laßwitz prize and the German Fantasy prize.

In 2004 his debut novel "Medusa" was published by Droemer Knaur. The international success was followed by "Reptilia" in 2005 and "Magma" in 2007. All his novels have become best-sellers. His works were translated into numerous languages: Spanish, Dutch, Czech, Polish, Russian, Korean as well as Slovenian.

Thomas Thiemeyer lives in Stuttgart with his wife and two sons.

Home Page Thomas Thiemeyer