U.S. Defense Department Developing Super Precise Drone

English: This was the most up-to-date DARPA lo...
English: This was the most up-to-date DARPA logo as of January 2009. It is obsolete now. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
United States Department of Defense
United States Department of Defense (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Men perform pre-flight checks on an unmanned a...
Men perform pre-flight checks on an unmanned aerial vehicle before launch. (Photo credit: Official U.S. Navy Imagery)
The U.S. Department of Defense's DARPA arm is developing a drone that can deliver and precisely position a payload for deployment.

It can hover in place, much like a Harrier jet, and can fly like standard UAVs. What makes this drone even more special is its "precise autonomous payload placement."

"A special robotic arm was designed with the capability of carrying up to one pound," the agency said in a statement. The "precision emplacement technology demonstration paves the way for precise long-range delivery of small payloads into difficult-to-reach environments."

Watch the video, above, to see the incredible drone take flight and take action. Don't forget to let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Thumbnail image courtesy of Flickr, Yutaka Tsutano
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