Abdulfattah John Jandali: Father of Steve Jobs Regrets Adoption

Abdulfattah John Jandali Abdulfattah John Jandali

Born in Syria, according to the New York Post, Abdulfattah John Jandali (pictured above) is, in fact, the biological father of Steve Jobs. Currently Vice President of a Casino chain located in Reno, Nevada and trying his hardest to “avoid retirement,” Jandali noted that he was “overcome with guilt for his treatment of Jobs and only learned recently that the child he gave up for adoption” was (former) CEO of Apple.

In a rather sad ending to the tale, however, Jandali concluded that, despite all of the years he has not spoken to Jobs he would not be able to pick up the phone to call him, even now. “This might sound strange, though, but I am not prepared, even if either of us was on our deathbeds, to pick up the phone to call him,” Jandali said.

“Steve will have to do that, as the Syrian pride in me does not want him ever to think I am after his fortune,” he said.

“Now I just live in hope that, before it is too late, he will reach out to me, because even to have just one coffee with him just once would make me a very happy man,” he said.

“I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t sadden me to have not been part of my son’s incredible journey,” he said. “What father wouldn’t think that? And I would think that even if he was not the head of a hugely successful company.”

Via http://www.razorianfly.com/2011/08/30/meet-abdulfattah-john-jandali-steve-jobs-biological-father/

Read more at http://9to5mac.com/2011/08/28/steve-jobs-biological-father-abdulfattah-john-jandali-gets-profiled-pictures/