How to Tackle Women - Wife

 If you want something your partner does for you, it just seems the easiest way to ask. But unfortunately this is not a guarantee of your loved one real action. There are tricks that you get what you want in your relationship. These tips will not work for everyone, because everyone is different. But in any case you do nothing wrong.

You will not get what you want from your partner to be mean and demanding. So if you want your loved one the next time dinner is ready, start with a compliment. "I was the last time you spaghetti so good. Can you make it again, it's really my favorite dish." The key here is to find its strengths, this stress and then make your point clear.

Do not ask
If you already know in advance that she immediately sees through you compliment. Can you just try not to ask. Instead, give you some hints and hope for the best. "I really love that purse. But I can not afford something now."

First issue
Sometimes it helps to first even something. Do you think he gives you a massage once, surprising him with a first indulgence. Plan things well in advance, think what you want and start on time with your treats. If he sees you happy, your partner will probably spoil you as thanks.

Never threaten
Put your partner never an ultimatum if you want something. Never threaten: "If you have not cleaned when I come home back, I'm here for good." With these statements you chase your partner only bar. It is not intended that he will hate you. And if you really mean what you say, is that a sign that you are indeed better split up.